St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

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    2023年3月16日. 苏珊·布兰科, 辅导员教育助理教授, was invited to present both virtually and in person to psychology doctoral students at Konrad Lorenz University, 波哥大, 哥伦比亚, 南美, through the Association of Multicultural Counseling and Development, a division of the American Counseling Association.

    09年3月, 2023 | Faculty promotions and the elevation of a retired professor to emeritus status have been announced by Dr. Joseph Zimmer, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学.

    3月06, 2023 | Junior health science major Jacob Schoeberl had no idea he was about to save a life when he attended a softball game at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学’s Marra 体育运动 Fields Complex in the spring of 2022.

    2023年2月24日| Dr. Daekyun哦, 体育助理教授, published a research paper in the International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education (IJKHE).

    2023年2月24日| Dr. 泰隆Bynoe, associate professor of education and director of educational leadership (advanced school supervisory preparation), has had a proposal accepted to author a chapter in an emerging book titled "Wellness Through Mentoring Within a Continuum of School Leadership Preparation.(在库茨丘鲁巴,B. & 中时F., Eds.. Mentoring for Wellbeing in Schools, Information Age Publishing.)

    2023年2月11日|质性研究. 苏珊·布兰科, 辅导员教育助理教授, on 哥伦比亚n transnational adoptee reunions with birth families was published in Adoption Quarterly, an international peer-reviewed journal solely addressing adoption related scholarship.

    2023年2月11日| Dr. Scott Simpson, associate professor of chemistry and department chair, Dr. Matthew Hanson, quantum chemical postdoctoral researcher, Dr. 亚当•布朗, 基础教育教授, 以及乔拉·康德蒂, SBU的校友, had their publication “A Computational Experiment Introducing Undergraduates to Geometry Optimizations, 振动频率, and Potential Energy Surfaces” accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Education.

    2023年2月11日| Dr. 海蒂L. 亨利, 辅导员教育助理教授, co-authored an article titled "Z Generation is Here! Recommendations for Counselor Educators" that was published in the Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 同行评议的学术期刊.

    2022年12月9日|博士. 玛格丽特几何, 辅导员教育助理教授, and colleagues will make a one-hour presentation this month at the virtual portion of the 2022 Association for Creativity in Counseling Conference.

    2022年12月9日|博士. Pamina Abkowitz, 儿童教育助理教授, 参加OCALICON的小组讨论, 一个在线自闭症和残疾会议.

    2022年12月9日|博士. Daekyun哦, 体育助理教授, published a research paper in the International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education (IJKHE).

    2022年12月9日|博士. Scott Simpson, associate professor of chemistry and department chair, and Dr. 亚当•布朗, 基础教育教授, 以及布法罗大学的研究人员, 德门大学, 以及詹姆斯敦社区学院, had their publication “应用ing Density Functional Theory to Common Organic Mechanisms: A Computational Exercise” published in the Journal of Chemical Education.

    2022年12月9日|博士. 内特·史密斯, 辅导员教育助理教授, 举办了一个名为“我在这里”的网络研讨会, 我的酷儿, 但我不习惯:内化同性恋恐惧症 & Relational Cultural Theory" for the Society for Affectional, 双性, 与性别扩张身份(SAIGE), a division of the American Counseling Association.

    2022年12月9日|博士. 泰隆Bynoe, associate professor of education and director of the educational leadership program, has submitted a book manuscript for publication: "The Essentials of Finance for School Leaders: A Practical Handbook for Problem-solving and Meeting Challenges;" Bynoe, T.界,S. & 马丁内斯,D.G. (罗曼 & 李特佛尔德).

    2022年11月30日|圣乔治大学学生. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 presented at the 84th annual conference of the New York State Association for Health, 体育课, 娱乐 & 舞蹈,11月举行. 18 at the Turning Stone Convention Center in Verona, New York.

    2022年11月18日|教育学院博士. Kathryn Andrews, assistant professor; Dr. 亚当•布朗, professor; and Dr. 雷内·豪泽, 副教授,学院院长, 在美国评估会议上发表, 11月, 9-11.

    2022年11月18日| 11月. 玛格丽特几何, 辅导员教育助理教授, and her colleagues developed a poster titled "Developing Counselor Identity and Cultural Awareness Through Play Therapy," which was presented by colleagues at the 2022 Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES) conference in Baltimore, 马里兰.

    2022年11月18日| Dr. 海蒂L. 亨利, 辅导员教育助理教授, presented two posters at the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Regional Conference in Pittsburgh, 宾西法尼亚.

    2022年11月18日|博士. 苏珊·布兰科, 简·盖伊和纳撒尼尔·梅森, 咨询教育教授, presented at the Southern Association of Counselor Education (SACES) conference in Baltimore, 马里兰.

    2022年11月18日| Dr. 内特·史密斯, 辅导员教育助理教授, presented "Walking the Tightrope: Anti-LGBTQIA Youth Legislation and Counseling Implications for Practice" at the 德州 Counseling Association's Professional Growth Conference in Dallas, 德州.