St. Bonaventure University

Master of Business Administration

Our MBA is offered as a traditional in-person, on-campus program, which may be taken on a full- or part-time basis. We also offer a fully online format.

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Our badge of honor

What sets our MBA program apart from many others? 让我们从大学商学院促进协会对我们的认证开始说起.

世界上只有5%的商学院获此殊荣. It assures that you're getting a top-quality education, 它告诉未来的雇主,你从第一天起就准备好了.

我们的MBA课程还提供了其他公司希望员工具备的东西:一套建立在同情心和诚信基础上的技能. 作为一个St. Bonaventure graduate, 你的决定将受到定义方济各会传统的道德和伦理价值观的影响.

Choose an on-campus option that best suits you

Too busy to enroll full time? Take our part-time format and begin classes in any term.

我们的MBA课程向所有本科专业的合格学生开放. 这是一个42学分(14门课程)的项目,包括基础课程(9学分)。, business core courses (12 credits), graduate electives (14 credits) and a capstone course (3 credits).

  • Part time/full time

  • Class schedules
    课程每周在下午晚些时候举行一次(通常是下午2:30到5:10).m.) or early evening (6 to 8:40 p.m.). 在传统的学期长度形式下,学生每学期最多可以修五门课程.

  • 开始日期
    学生通常在秋季或春季学期开始时进入该课程, although summer entrance is also possible for most students.

  • Completion dates
    大多数学生在大约两年内完成学位要求. Students with the appropriate academic background, 然而, may be able to complete degree requirements in about 15 months. Some students — those in good academic standing, with the appropriate academic background, 并且有灵活的时间安排-可能能够在一年内完成要求.

Students posing with a St. Bonaventure banner in China

Study international business in China

千载难逢的机会等待着那些参加我们中国研究项目的人, 一个为期两周的暑期课程,带你去中国大陆的北京和上海.

In addition to attending briefings, 讲座, cultural visits and sightseeing excursions, you will complete the course MGT/MBA 646. 国际商务/中国研究,获得三个学分,完成MBA. Learn more at 中国研究.

MBA Program admission requirements

我们鼓励学生在他们期望的开始日期前至少六周申请MBA课程. Applicants are evaluated on the following criteria:

  • 在GMAT考试或GRE考试中取得令人满意的成绩(见以下考试豁免信息)
  • 一份简历
  • official transcripts of all previous college work
  • a completed bachelor's degree by the time your MBA studies begin
  • 国际申请者:托福或雅思成绩(英语水平测试). International applicants should 在线 & International Student Services for additional requirements.
  • 马上申请

    Accelerated programs for SBU students

    Students who earn an undergraduate general business degree from St. Bonaventure可以根据他们的学习成绩,在较短的时间内获得MBA学位. 在许多情况下,这些学生可以在短短一年(夏季、秋季)内获得MBA学位 & 春天).

    We also offer a 4+1 BBA/MBA in accounting program, 使学生在五年内获得会计工商管理学士学位和工商管理硕士学位. Learn more on our accounting website.

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