St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

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St. 博纳旺蒂尔's Franciscan tradition to be enriched through Bolder 博纳旺蒂尔 campaign

2023年2月20日 伊莉莎白·伊根(Elizabeth Egan)著,1923年

From the school colors to the values of compassion, wisdom and integrity, St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学’s Franciscan roots are displayed across its campus. 

“The uniqueness of 博纳旺蒂尔 comes from being a Catholic Franciscan University,爱丽丝·米勒说, the director of the Franciscan Center for Social Concern (FCSC). “我们不会为此道歉.”

致米勒民族, opportunities for transformational service are among the most significant elements provided for 博纳旺蒂尔 students in the Franciscan 任务 and Ministries pillar of the university's ongoing Bolder 博纳旺蒂尔 initiative, the largest fundraising campaign in the university's history. 

Miller Nation described transformational service as a service opportunity that changes how a person views things. 米勒国家, this opportunity was provided to her through working at a Native American reservation as a Jesuit volunteer after college. 

“这次经历给了我一个新的视角.米勒国家说. “我能以不同的方式看待事物, that’s what we are trying to do through mission and ministry at Bona’s.”

目前, FCSC provides a number of options for students to participate in a service opportunity that has the potential to be transformative. 

The Warming House offers a chance for students to volunteer at or help run a soup kitchen that serves between 40 and 80 meals a day. 博纳旺蒂尔大学的学生在暖屋做志愿者

Bona Buddies让学生充当孩子们的导师, allowing them to learn to invest a little bit of themselves in someone else. 

Break the Bubble takes students out of 博纳旺蒂尔 to serve and learn about communities that are different from their own.

Campus Ministries also gives students a variety of opportunities to volunteer and actively participate in weekly Mass as well as provides time and space for students to discuss their faith.

在“更大胆的博纳文蒂尔”运动中. 史蒂芬·米诺,O.F.M., 大学临时牧师, hopes to make sure these opportunities are offered to every person who graduates from St. 博纳旺蒂尔. 

“I think one of the first things that I would like to see is making it more easily accessible for students to have service learning opportunities,” Fr. 斯蒂芬说. “We offer great opportunities already and can do more to expand those opportunities.”

He mentioned a quote heard often at 博纳旺蒂尔, “No service without love.”

“In the abstract it’s something that looks good on a wall or in handouts,” Fr. 斯蒂芬说. “Unless people really have an opportunity to experience what that means, 我觉得这只是个不错的标语.”

神父. Stephen, the most life-changing way to experience this is by being of service to other people. 

图片来源:valentina Cossio在St. 弗朗西斯客栈大四学生瓦伦蒂娜·科西奥说 会计 来自佛罗里达州的少校,非常同意. 

Cossio came to 博纳旺蒂尔 knowing that one of her goals was to learn more about the Franciscan tradition, 而她之前对此一无所知. 她参与了暖屋项目, 信仰形成中的女士, 校园食品储藏室, 礼仪委员会等等. Two of her most significant experiences were traveling to the St. 弗朗西斯客栈 in Philadelphia through Break the Bubble and working for the Warming House’s summer program, 从农场到餐桌. 

“在圣乔治之前,我从来没有去过施粥所. 弗朗西斯客栈,”科西奥说. “通过我的SBU-101课程, I was becoming a lot more interested in exploring different social issues and the inn provided me with a way to see the issues I was learning about firsthand.” 

This experience went on to inspire Cossio to get involved with the Warming House and then 从农场到餐桌, a 10-week summer program where students spend the morning planting and harvesting vegetables at a local farm and the afternoon creating and serving meals at the Warming House. The students engage in discussions about our planet’s food and agricultural systems, as well as reflect on the issues of hunger in the local community.

这种连锁反应就是Miller Nation和Fr. Stephen hope to see come out of transformational service opportunities. 

The Franciscan 任务 and Ministries pillar of the campaign aims to create more opportunities like the trip to the St. 弗朗西斯客栈 that left Cossio inspired to continue working at a soup kitchen for three more years. 

方济各会的魅力使贝博体彩app下载游戏官网 distinctive,” said Bob Van Wicklin, vice president for University Advancement. “Gifts to the campaign will ensure that it flourishes and is embedded in everything we do here.” 

Along with supporting efforts for increased service opportunities the funds raised will support renovations to the University Chapel, enhance FCSC programs and increase the community endowment for Mt. 凡·威克林指出. 

Miller Nation hopes the effects of the Franciscan 任务 and Ministries can be seen in every Bona student as they walk across the stage at graduation.

“你们从这里毕业的那一天, we want you to hold that piece of paper high but we don’t want you to leave with just that piece of paper,米勒国家说. “我们希望你带着一颗方济会的心离开.”

Miller Nation often uses this phrase when describing the goals of the FCSC. 

“这是认识到生活不是工作到很晚, 我们遇到的每个人都有自己的故事, it’s the cultivation of wisdom and the attitude toward compassion and integrity.”

Miller Nation and Fr. 斯蒂芬将成为学生开办的WSBU 88电台的嘉宾.2月9日星期五,FM 3频道《贝博官网app体彩网》. 下午12:30开始.m. ET to talk more about this pillar in the Bolder 博纳旺蒂尔 campaign. 这次采访将在YouTube上进行直播. 点击这里观看:

Questions may be submitted in advance by email to The Buzz at w在布 or during the program via The Buzz’s Twitter account (@w在布). Tag the account and use #ABolder博纳旺蒂尔 hashtag when posting a question. 

To learn more about the Bolder 博纳旺蒂尔 campaign, please visit www.在布.edu/ABolder博纳旺蒂尔.
