St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

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University launches historic fundraising 运动 to build ‘A Bolder Bonaventure’


St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 announced today the public launch of the largest fundraising 运动 in its 164-year history.

范围全面, 运动 -命名为“一个更大胆的博纳文蒂尔:点燃。. 激励. 投资.” — seeks to raise $125 million by May 31, 2025.

再加上贝博官网app体彩网22岁nd 总统, Dr. 杰夫金格里奇, who has put a laser focus on student-centered growth throughout his distinguished career, the 运动 aims to radically raise the profile of the university while connecting generations of students to the true meaning and potential of their existence.

“一个St的价值. 博纳旺蒂尔教育 could never be more important than it is today. Our Franciscan commitment to public service and academic excellence matters,” said Gingerich. “The legacy of what we are building here and what every St. Bonaventure graduate takes with them is so important, at the local community level and across the globe.

“这次活动的成功将纪念圣. Bonaventure’s remarkable history while ensuring its mission of delivering a transformative educational experience that inspires meaningful and fulfilling lives,金格里奇补充道. “It will allow us to invest in our resources while creating programs that ignite and inspire students, 教职员工的未来.”

The 运动’s focal point is a bold response to helping students prepare for the challenges and opportunities they will face in an increasingly complex world. 首要的优先事项包括:

  • Broadening the health care learning environment within the popular Dennis R. 德佩罗卫生专业学校.
  • 把圣. Bonaventure’s athletics facilities and ensuring a strongly competitive Division I experience for every student-athlete.
  • Modernizing facilities and enhancing technology within the Jandoli School of Communication.
  • Ensuring an intellectual journey that explores a larger context for our students’ personal, professional and civic lives through academic mission and student experience.
  • Delivering a transformational Franciscan experience for every member of the community through Franciscan mission and ministries.
  • 提高 Bonaventure基金, which provides financial aid and makes possible St. Bonaventure’s unique brand of Franciscan higher education.

More than $75 million has been raised since the quiet phase of the 运动 began in June 2018. This includes one $6 million gift, the largest single gift St. 博纳旺蒂尔收到的, 12 individual million-dollar commitments and nearly 50,000名捐赠者捐赠5美元,000或以下.

Several major donors stepped forward early with significant levels of support, helping to transform iconic Francis Hall into the stunning new home for the 德佩罗卫生专业学校.

莱斯利C.,’75, 和艾琳·奎克三世的家人, ’76, 和尼娜, ’79, Meyer donated a total of $8 million in support of the DePerro School. They were joined by John “Duffy” Sheehan,’82, and his wife, Sharon, who committed $1 million.

Their landmark gifts enabled the university to offer graduate programs in physician assistant studies, occupational therapy and public health as well as undergraduate programs in nursing, 健康科学和公共卫生. Each of these programs is designed to help meet the growing demand for skilled and caring health care providers in our region and beyond.

莱斯·奎克,他得了B.B.A. 来自St的金融. Bonaventure and has served more than 25 years on the university’s Board of Trustees, is serving as the honorary 运动 chair of A Bolder Bonaventure. 他是Simon Quick Advisors的创始合伙人.

“漂亮的, 我们把爱传递出去——不管是用金钱, time or encouraging students to attend the university. Education is the way to help people get ahead,” Quick said. “That’s why my family and I are investing in the 运动.”

玛丽安·勒特罗·莱恩,1968年,路易斯安那州.H.D., and the Laine family created the Erick Laine Endowed Chair for the School of Business — the first of its kind at the university.

另外, 44 endowed scholarships and 16 annual scholarships have been created, already making a difference in the form of attracting talented students to the university. This fall, the university welcomed its largest freshman class in 20 years.

“A 运动 of this magnitude is only possible through the loyalty of our alumni and friends,鲍勃·范·威克林说, 负责大学发展的副校长. “Every member of our community can play an integral part in its success with a gift of any size.”

Kicking off this month is a presidential tour to focus on building A Bolder Bonaventure, 和金格里奇夫妇在一起, 贝琪, visiting with alumni and friends across the country. The first events take place in Buffalo and Rochester.

“Our alumni and friends recognize the importance of a St. 博纳旺蒂尔教育. We are asking them now to step forward and take ownership of the university’s future,范·威克林补充道. “Their strong belief in the Bonaventure promise will make this 运动 a success.”

To learn more about the presidential tour and the 运动 or to make a gift, please visit www.在布.edu/ABolderBonaventure.  


大学简介: 美国第一所方济各会大学St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 is a community committed to transforming the lives of our students inside and outside the classroom, inspiring in them a lifelong commitment to service and citizenship. St. Bonaventure was named the #5 regional university value in the North in U.S. News and World Report’s 2022 college rankings edition.