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St. Bonaventure/Siena 研究 survey reveals almost 1 in 5 Americans have an online sports betting account


Thirty-nine percent of Americans bet on sporting events and 19%, including 39% of men 18-49 years old and 20% of women 18-49 years old, have an account with an online sports betting service, according to a new survey of United States adults released today by the Siena College 研究 Institute (SCRI) and St. Bonaventure大学的Jandoli说 体育调查标志传播学院.

绝大多数, online sports bettors say it’s fun and exciting (93%), makes them more interested in watching the games (85%), 认为他们能赚钱(80%), 那是因为他们报名参加了促销活动, 钱是免费的(71%).

Fifteen percent of all Americans including 22% of young men (18-49) and 30% of ‘avid’ fans know someone who has or had a problem with online sports betting.  Of those who place bets with an online sportsbook, 37%的人在输掉赌注后感到不好意思或羞愧, 38% have felt that they bet more than they should have, 19% have lied to someone about the extent of their betting, and 18% have bet and lost money that was meant for meeting their financial obligations.  By 65-23%, Americans agree that online sports betting will end up creating compulsive gamblers that will cause pain to them and their families.

 “With 75% of Americans saying they’ve seen ads for online sportsbooks, it’s not surprising that one in five have an account,Don Levy说, SCRI导演. “投注者说这很有趣, 以及全体美国人的多数, 48-40%, agree that online sports betting is a great form of entertainment allowing fans to gamble responsibly.

“但, nearly 40% of bettors have felt ashamed about their gambling, 或者赌的比他们应该赌的多, and one in five have lost money they needed or lied to someone about their betting. 超过一半的人在追赌, 这是, increased the amount they bet in hopes of getting money back after a loss, and 22% have had someone express concern to them about their usage of online sportsbooks. Still, only 9% of bettors have called a problem gambling hotline or sought help,” Levy said.


  • 33% are men 18-34, 24% are men 35-49, 15% are women 18-34 and 12% are women 35-49. 只有大约15%的人年龄在50岁或以上.
  • 91%的人在智能手机上安装了博彩应用程序.
  • 35%的人是在过去一年内注册的, 35% signed up more than a year ago but less than two years ago and 29% have had an account for more than two years.
  • 63%的人拥有一个以上的在线体育博彩账户.
  • 59% bet at least once a week, 24% bet 3 or more times a week.
  • 36% say they win more than lose, 33% say they break even while 30% say they lose more than win.
  • 59% have bet $100 or more in a day, 24% have bet $500 or more in a single day.

“While sports betting is popular among sports fans, 尤其是年轻男性, significant concerns remain as two-thirds worry that it creates fans with gambling problems,亚伦·金贝尔说, 圣院长. Bonaventure大学的Jandoli说 传播学院. “除了, nearly half of all Americans - including more than 40% of avid fans - think online betting will corrupt organized sports, and Americans overwhelmingly support stronger regulations to protect consumers. 也就是说, nearly half the country (49%) supports legalized online sports betting in all 50 states while only 29% call for it being illegal.”


  • By 47-39% Americans agree that if you have a system to control your betting, 在线体育博彩并不危险.
  • By 37-32% they agree that tax revenue generated by online sports betting benefits taxpayers.
  • By 49-34%, they support online sports betting being legal in all 50 states.
  • 但, by 65-23% they agree that online sports betting will end up creating compulsive gamblers and by 47-36% that it will corrupt organized sports.
  • By 55-28% respondents agree that linking an online sportsbook account to a credit card should be forbidden and by 79-14% that any smartphone app that lets people drain their bank accounts in one evening is a bad idea.
  • By 61-27% they agree that the federal government should aggressively regulate online sports betting to specifically protect customers from compulsive gambling.
  • 32% agree that online sportsbooks are doing a good job of monitoring and responding to the dangers of compulsive gambling while 35% disagree. However, 67% of those with an account think the sportsbooks are doing a good job.
  • By 44-39%, Americans agree that online sportsbooks should not be allowed to advertise during sporting events on TV. Interestingly, young men think they should 51-38%.

有关详细的调查人口统计资料, 点击这里.


The American Sports Fanship Survey was conducted January 2-7, 2024, among 3071 responses drawn from a proprietary online panel (Lucid) of United States Residents. 数据按年龄进行统计调整, 地区, 种族/民族, 教育, 性别,以确保代表性. 总体误差幅度为+/- 1.9 percentage points including the design effects resulting from weighting. The Siena College 研究 Institute, directed by Donald Levy, Ph.D., conducts political, economic, social, and cultural research primarily in NYS. SCRI, 一个独立的, 无党派研究机构, subscribes to the American Association of Public Opinion 研究 Code of Professional Ethics and Practices. For more information or comments, please call Dr. Don Levy, 518-783-2901. St. Bonaventure大学的Jandoli说 传播学院 offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in sports media, 贝博官网app体彩网, 通信及相关领域. For more information or comments, please contact Dean Aaron Chimbel at 716-375-2040.